Forgotten Hope Secret Weapon Wiki
Battle of Stalingrad
Battle of Stalingrad
General information
Date 1942
Theatre Eastern Front
Belligerents 800px-Flag of German Reich (1935–1945).svg Germany vs USSR Flag of the Soviet Union.svg
Game Type Conquest
Style Infantry vs infantry
Flags Stalingrad Docks
Red Square
Attack Point
Battle of Stalingrad minimap

The Soviet Red Army and the German Werhmacht fight over the Volga docks in this rendition of the Battle of Stalingrad. Take command of your squad as you directy assault across the Volga River in small boats as you force back the facist invaders! Or entrench yourself in the ruins to fight off the communist scourge.

There are three points for the Soviets to seize and the Germans to defend. The first is the Stalingrad Docks, which is neutral at first and has to be taken after taking river boats to get across the river. Artillery will cover the assault. The Germans can call in Stukas fitted with extra machine guns to strafe the boats. The next point is the Attack Point at the centre of the map defended by the Germans with several machine gun positions. At the end of the map is the Red Square which is the final point, it is actually possible to take this point by sneaking past the Attack Point.

Battle of Stalingrad view
